Epoxy Skill 2022

My husband taught me how to do this. We had only been dating a minute when I asked him to teach me. I didn’t realize how much work went into the preparation. Before you even start, setting up a command post became a full-time chore. You cannot do it outside because anything could settle into the resin. You have to cover everything with plastic to keep a clean work space. And you must have containers that you can measure. This artwork comes with a lot of math and chemistry. But once you figure out the proportions, it is pure magic. Please do not get craft kits from Hobby Lobby or any artstore to work in resin. Those kits are small and over-priced. If you are serious about it, find a dealer. They can sell you 5 gallon drums at a much cheaper price. I would suggest taking a class and buying the products from the dealer. That way you know whether you want to put the time in before you make a huge financial commitment. BUT THERE IS MONEY TO BE HAD IN THIS MARKET! People will pay high dollar to commission work. My husband used to work in concrete finishing, and you could go past artwork into a career. This is another medium where I suggest doing sample boards. Try different woods, canvases, etc. Find what feels best for you. My first board was too thin and I didn’t mix enough resin. It was beautiful, but I can see the imperfections. Also, I found it helps to spray the wood and color it black or white before laying down the resin. That helps the colors pop.

Have fun and share any work here. I love seeing what other people can do with resin.

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